PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA , at http://www.petition2congress.com/18018/petition-to- us-congress-to-demand-immediate-investigation-crimes/
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA on the White House Petition site, to get the Obama Administration to issue an official response to the Petition.
“WE THE PEOPLE”, at https://petitions.whitehouse.gov//petition/stop-crimes-against-humanity-committed-president-barack-obama-1
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA COMMITTED CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY . The United States Government is a terrorist country in disguise.
My name is Lori Zarlenga-Blaquiere. Please support this Petition for immediate investigation into Crimes Against Humanity Committed by President Barack Obama and the former President George W. Bush, among others who have aided and abetted in carrying out their unlawful orders. The former President George W. Bush and the current President Barack Obama, among others have violated the U.S. and International laws and have committed crimes against humanity.
The former President George W. Bush and the current President Barack Obama have lied to the American people and to other countries that the United States is a Democratic and free nation.
The United States Government is a terrorist country in disguise.
The American People have elected dictators.
The former President George W. Bush and the current President Barack Obama have violated my rights and liberties and have issued orders to assassinate me including but not limited to unlawfully wiretapping my telephones, hacking my computers, surveillancing me; used my family as informants or anyone connected to me.
Law Enforcement has been unlawfully interrogating my 12 year old granddaughter on an
ongoing basis at her school. Law Enforcement forced my granddaughter to answer intelligence
gathering questions about me. Law Enforcement threatened my granddaughter that if she told
anyone about unlawfully questioning her about me, my granddaughter would be in big trouble.
Law Enforcement has terrorized and traumatized my granddaughter for life.
I contacted the Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding the hacking of my computers. FBI Special agent Holly Steves and Nicholas Murphy FBI Supervisory Special agent, were assigned to my case. Special Agent Holly Steves advised me to unplug my computers as the solution to the hacking of my computers. FBI stonewalled and obstructed their investigation into the hacking of my computers,. The FBI did not trace the IP addresses relating to the hacking of my computers. Supervisor Nicholas Murphy stated to me that he did not want me to give him supporting documents/evidence in my possession relating to the hacking of my computers.The Federal Bureau of Investigation was covering up the unlawful hacking of my computers by the United States Government.
After I filed a lawsuit in R.I. Federal Court against the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Federal Bureau Supervisor Nicholas Murphy stepped down from his position with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Those who are carrying out the Presidents orders and involved in a cover-up including but not limited to, the Federal Bureau of investigation, U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Attorney, Attorney General, officials, National Security Agency, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (Special Agent Eric Yankee), politicians, former Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri, former Governor Lincoln Chaffee, Senator Jack Reed, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, local and out of state law enforcement, R.I. State Police, West Warwick R.I. Police Department, Coventry R.I. Police Department, Warwick Police Department, Cranston Police Department, North Kingstown Police Department, East Greenwich Police Department, West Greenwich Police Department, Providence Police Department, among other Police Departments, medical community, Hospitals, Pinnacle Home Care Warwick, R.I., VNA of R.I., ST. Jude Home Care Cranston, R.I., Lifespan Laboratories, Department of Elderly Affairs, among others.
The West Warwick Police Department, among other Police Departments, falsified police reports, surveillance me, target me on an ongoing basis to carry out orders issued by former President George W. Bush and the current President Barack Obama in an organized plan to kidnap and assassinate me.
The former President George W. Bush and the current President Barack Obama and those who have carried out their orders have badly damaged this Country and the U.S. Constitution.
I began being surveillanced sometime after I filed a lawsuit Blaquiere v. Showa Denko K.K. et al(U.S. District Court Rhode Island, C.A. No. 1: 95-629) (U.S District Court South Carolina, MDL C.A.No.7:96-361-0) ( United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, C.A. No. 03-1783), ( United States Supreme Court C.A. No. 03-5562).
I filed the above lawsuits against Showa Denko K.K. et al as a result of being injured by contaminated genetically engineered L-tryptophan manufactured by Showa Denko K.K. which caused the first genetically engineered disease, ( EMS) Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome.
Contaminated genetically engineered L-tryptophan manufactured by Showa Denko K.K. killed and severely injured thousands of Americans.
The L-tryptophan problem is the fault of the FDA due to lack of enforcement of 172.320, among other violations of the FDA rules. Therefore, the FDA permitted the continued illegal use of L-tryptophan.
If the FDA had enforced action against Showa Denko K.K.,for violation of the FDA rules, then L-tryptophan would not have been on the market and sold to the American Public ;caused death and illnesses associated with the sales of L-tryptophan in violation of the FDA rule.
The EMS epidemic first took place in 1989, during President Bush SR’s administration.
There were political payoffs and backroom deals to fraudulently mislead and misdirect the scientific investigation of the diagnosis of Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome and to publish pseudo-scientific reports, among other things, inorder to insulate FDA and Showa Denko K.K.
My former lawyer Dennis Mackin who represented me in 2001, filed in the MDL motions to extend further discovery damaging to Showa Denko K.K. and the FDA, among others.
The above said motions could reopen previously settled lawsuits. My former lawyer Dennis Mackin signed a stipulation without my knowledge to not go forward with motions to extend discovery; was paid off to withdraw from my case. However, I continued to pursue the motions to extend discovery after my lawyer withdrew from my case.
There was key evidence tampered with in my case and illegal tactics used in an attempt to sabotage my case. In 2003, my case was settled for 500,000 dollars. However, the general release reflects my case as technically open.
I was informed by a lawyer that I was paid a half a million dollars not for what I know about Showa Denko K.K.; the FDA’s wrongdoing, but for what I do not know through which further discovery would uncover and expose.
On January 22, 2006, I was kidnapped by Warwick, Rhode Island police officer Joseph Mee.
There were other police officers on the scene including a plain clothes man who assisted officer Mee who was omitted from the warwick police dispatch log. There are other incidents of law enforcements pursuit to capture me and covering up their criminal activities. My case is legitimate. The criminal activities mentioned herein are ongoing and have continued to date.
On December 7, 2006, I filed a complaint in the United States District Court of Rhode Island,
( Lori Zarlenga-Blaquiere v. Edward Charbonea et al C.A. No. 06-543 ML ), against a number of United States Government Officials and agencies in connection with orders to kidnap and murder me.
President Barack Obama , Secretary of State John Kerry, former National Security Agency Director criticized Edward Snowden, stating that Mr. Snowden caused significant and irreversible damage to Nation and calling Mr. Snowden a coward and Traitor. Edward Snowden is a patriot who has exposed damaging documents about the NSA and the U.S. Government to protect the public from harm.
Former President George W. Bush and current President Barack Obama and those who have carried out their orders are not patriots, they are traitors. Former President George W. Bush and current President Barack Obama have a duty to protect the American People and should be held accountable for committing crimes against humanity, violating domestic and international laws , harm to the American people and our Nation.
Edward Snowden statements to the public have not fully exposed the level of harm, crimes against humanity, committed by the United States Government which is of critical importance to the American people.
We the people cannot give away our privacy, rights, and freedom. We have to be an active party. We have to be an active part of our government and hold those accountable for their wrongdoing and violating our rights.
We the People Demand immediate investigation into Crimes against Humanity committed by President Barack Obama to be conducted in both houses of the U.S. Congress and Obama be impeached from office immediately.
Please support this Petition for immediate investigation into Crimes Against Humanity
Committed by President Barack Obama.
For further detail, click on the following links,
GO TO http://obamaordersassassinationofamerican.blogspot.com AND CLICK ON
http://PRESIDENTBUSHORDERSMURDEROFAMERICAN.BLOGSPOT.COM Also, go to google.com to search my name Lori Zarlenga-Blaquiere and search Lori Zarlenga You Tube regarding photos of my injuries caused by law enforcement kidnapping me. My email address is lorizarlengablaquiere@gmail.com Twitter @LoriZarlenga
On February 20, 2015, 911 Emergency West Warwick Police were violently banging on my door; damaging my door and property. The 911 West Warwick police threatened to breakdown my door if I refused to let them in my home.
Police wellness checks, referred to as police welfare checks, are one way police get around the Fourth Amendment by calling their search and seizure of a person a Police wellness check, or arguing that it was part of their community caretaking function.
Police wellness checks are often a pretext to search someone without a warrant or probable cause. There are number of scenarios in which police welfare checks can raise legal issues regarding illegal search and seizure.
Law enforcement officers, West Warwick Police Department, among others have been engaged in pattern and practice of unlawful conduct include, among other things, kidnapping, wiretapping, hacking computers, Excessive Force, Harassment, False imprisonment, Unlawful Stops, unlawful Searches, fabricating police reports and evidence, conspiring with physicians and health care professionals among others, unlawful surveillance, using Wellness Checks to get around the Fourth Amendment by calling their search and seizure of a person, a Police wellness check, or arguing that it was part of their community caretaking function to search someone without a warrant or probable Cause.
President Barack Obama attends his daily intelligence meetings with the FBI director, among others. The Federal Bureau Investigation follow unlawful orders from President Barack Obama to target and assassinate activist, peace groups any innocent American Citizen that is deemed a threat to their political agenda.
Fred Hampton launched a project for community supervision of the police.
Through his involvement with the NAACP, Hampton hoped to achieve social change through nonviolent activism and community organizing.[3]
After a break-in at an FBI office in Pennsylvania, the existence of COINTELPRO, an illegal counter-intelligence program, was brought to light. The purpose of this program was to target
and neutralize "Black Nationalist-Hate Groups". The awareness of this program caused many to suspect that the police raid and the shooting of Fred Hampton were parts of the program's initiative. One of the documents that were released after the break-in was a floor plan of Hampton's apartment.
Another document outlined a deal the FBI brokered with the deputy attorney general to conceal the FBI's role in the assassination of Hampton and the existence of COINTELPRO.[24]
The short film Death of a Black Panther: The Fred Hampton Story is available for free download at the Internet Archive at https://archive.org/details/gov.archives.arc.12156
The United States Government are still currently engaged in the assassination of innocent American Citizens. The former President George W. Bush and the current President Barack Obama, among others have violated the U.S. and International laws and have committed crimes against humanity. The former President George W. Bush and the current President Barack Obama have lied to the American people and to other countries that the United States is a Democratic and free nation. The United States Government is a terrorist country in disguise.
The American People have elected dictators. The former President George W. Bush and the current President Barack Obama have violated my rights and liberties and have issued orders to assassinate me including but not limited to unlawfully wiretapping my telephones, hacking my computers, surveillancing me; used my family as informants or anyone connected to me.
The killing of an American citizen by the government without charges or trial is, as an initial matter, in flagrant violation of the Bill of Rights, US statutory law, and numerous international treaties.
From a domestic legal standpoint, every military, intelligence, and civilian official—up to and including Obama—who participates in or fails to intervene against the killing of an American citizen without charges or trial is guilty of murder. All such individuals deserve to be impeached, arrested, indicted and prosecuted.
In a recent book by authors Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, entitled, Double Down: Game Change 2012, Obama is quoted as boasting to his aides that he is “really good at killing people.”
The struggle to defend and expand core democratic rights such as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights—and to bring criminals like Obama to justice—can be taken forward only by means of the independent mobilization of the working class in a political struggle against the capitalist system, http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/02/12/pers-f12.html
We the People Demand immediate investigation into Crimes against Humanity committed by President Barack Obama to be conducted in both houses of the U.S. Congress and Obama be impeached from office immediately.
Please support this Petition for immediate investigation into Crimes Against Humanity
Committed by President Barack Obama.
Also, post the Petitions mentioned herein,( copy and paste Petitions links), to your facebook wall, twitter, or other social media to obtain more signatures and share with others.
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